James & Milly Stangroom

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James & Milly Stangroom looking settled, here’s what mum Christine says about her MisSpelt beds

“Hi I and the two dogs are so pleased with the two dog mattresses. Thank you! I put some photos on this message, feel free to download any of them for your website or this facebook page. James has the blue one and Milly the red. Very impressed with quality and sturdiness of inner and outer covers, should be Milly (chew) proof you can quote me. (James doesn’t have to sleep outside, there was just more light out there for better photos!!) Milly won’t lie down when camera’s out as she is a poser and tried to photobomb every time. thanks again.

Before I saw yours I had been considering memory foam – but someone told me they can get much to hot, yours seem so comfy without the dogs getting overheated.”

Christine Stangroom with James & Milly